WordPress and Instant Articles on Facebook


We can see a lot of people who use Facebook daily. It has become a source of information for everyone. Facebook has come up with Instant Articles, which are optimized for mobile. Facebook has tried WordPress and Instant Articles, and it has proved to be a successful one. It’s pretty encouraging for the writers and bloggers out there. To learn more about WordPress and Instant Articles on Facebook, read this article carefully.

Currently, there’s a new feature on Facebook for pages called Instant Articles for WP plugin. The Instant Article is documentation that loads faster on Facebook. With Instant Articles’ help, you can tell stories in a branded and customizable way that quickly renders mobile. The best news is that you can earn a handsome amount of money.

Now the question is, “how to Use Facebook Instant Articles on WordPress,” and what are the steps to follow?

What do you need?

Set up your Instant Articles as merely and quickly as possible. Here are some importing things that are Instant Article requirements

Website or Blog

Facebook loads Instant Articles, and that is why they are loaded faster. Instant Articles need a web URL to make them function.

Access Your Site’s HTML Code

HTML is its head tag. If you own this website, you will have to verify that it is your own. Other websites may also help you in this way, and for this, you may require a two-step registration.

Your Publication’s Logo

Every website or business has its logo. If you have got one, upload a high-resolution logo and adjust it in the settings.

Facebook Page

You can manage your page and find tools to set up Instant Articles on your Facebook Page. If you have your page, it is good. If not, you will need access to Page’s administration page or role to post about Instant Articles. If you don’t have a page, then it is straightforward to register a new one.

Some Technical Know-How

Few development skills are required to install plugins for third parties like WordPress to add Instant Articles. The website can get you up and running quickly. If you choose to create reports through RSS feed or API or use a custom CMS, you’ll require more in-depth expertise with HTML, RSS feeds, and XML.


There is an option to customize an Instant Article template to show your brand’s look and feel—the style editor tool is easy to use. Input from your organization’s designer or art director helps you get the most out of Instant Article’s built-in layout and interactive features.

Page Manager App

Download and use Facebook’s mobile app to preview your articles before you set them to live mode. Experience precisely what your readers will see to ensure the layout looks right and all your media assets are getting translated correctly.

Sample Articles

The final step before applying is to submit ten complete articles for review by our team. The reports can be old or current. They won’t go live as Instant Articles unless you decide to convert them at a later point.

WordPress and Instant Articles

Now you know all about the Instant Article configuration. The next step is to connect your Facebook page with a WordPress site. Instant Article loads Page 10 times faster than any other page. As a result, you will engage more readers and more views on your page. So, it becomes a means of earning for you.

Final Words

WordPress websites have rich content when it comes to speed optimization. Connecting your WordPress website with Instant Articles gives you the edge of leading fast and getting more attention. Hence, the Instant Article feature with WordPress is the best combination for writers around the world.

If you want to know why you need WordPress to become successful, we recommend visiting Foursixtyfive Media Web Design and Development today. You will find valuable content there about it. Thank you and goodbye!

N. Baldwin
N. Baldwin
Articles: 120

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