WordPress Backup: How to Save Your Files

If you’re using WordPress, you will likely have precious content on the website. There is nothing worse than losing files, so it’s essential that you back up your files online regularly. As well as failing to properly back up your site, what’s more likely is that you will lose access to your files because of expired storage. So, today, we are going to discuss WordPress backup so you won’t have to be stressed about losing your files often.

What is WordPress Backup?

WordPress backup is a way to save your site’s files in case something goes wrong. It’s best to do this regularly, and ideally, you should have a plugin that does it for you. However, if you’re not using a plugin, there are several ways to do it.

Regularly creating backups of your website is an important part of maintaining a healthy and secure website. WordPress backup plugins make it easy to automate this process, but there are also manual methods for creating backups.

One manual method is to use an FTP client to download all of the files from your website to your computer. This includes all of the WordPress core files, as well as any themes, plugins, and media files that you have uploaded.

Another manual method is to use the built-in export feature in WordPress to export your site’s content, such as pages, posts, and custom post types, in an XML file. This can be imported into a new WordPress installation if needed.

You can also use phpMyAdmin to export your site’s database, which contains all of your site’s settings, content, and user information. This can also be imported into a new database if needed.

It is important to note that these manual methods can be time-consuming and may not include all of the necessary files for a complete restoration. Using a WordPress backup plugin is a more efficient and comprehensive way to create backups of your website.

WordPress Backup Plugins

WordPress backup plugins are essential tools for creating and maintaining website backups. They allow you to schedule regular backups and store them in a secure location, so you can restore your website in case of data loss or corruption.

Here is a more in-depth look at some of the most popular WordPress backup plugins:

1. UpdraftPlus: This plugin is one of WordPress’s most popular backup plugins. It allows you to schedule automatic backups and store them on a variety of cloud storage services, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Amazon S3. It also has a feature called “Backup Now” which allows you to manually create backups. Additionally, it has a feature called “Clone/Migrate,” which allows you to move your website to a new domain or host.

2. BackupBuddy: This plugin is designed for easy migration of your WordPress site to a new domain or host and scheduled backups. It also allows you to store backups on remote storage locations such as Dropbox, Amazon S3, and Rackspace Cloud. It has a feature called “Stash Live” which allows you to keep your backups live, so you can easily restore your site in case of an emergency.

3. VaultPress: This plugin is developed by the same team behind WordPress and offers real-time backups and security scanning. It also has a feature called “Jetpack Backup” which keeps your site data secure and allows you to easily restore your site. Additionally, it includes a spam protection feature and real-time backups for your entire site.

4.. BackWPup: This plugin allows you to schedule backups and store them on a variety of cloud storage services, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Amazon S3. It also has a feature called “Job Types,” which allows you to select the type of data you want back-ups, such as databases, files, and XML.

5. WP Time Capsule: This plugin is designed to take incremental backups of your site so that you can restore it to any point in time. It allows you to schedule daily backups and store them on remote storage locations such as Dropbox and Amazon S3. It also has a feature called “One-click restore,” which allows you to quickly restore your site to a previous state.

In addition to these popular plugins, many other WordPress backup plugins are available, each with its unique features and pricing. It’s important to carefully review the features of each plugin and choose the one that best suits your needs, and also to test the restore function to ensure that it works as expected.

Benefits of WordPress Backup

There are many benefits to creating regular backups of your WordPress website, including:

Data protection

Backing up your website regularly ensures that you have a copy of all of your website’s files, including the WordPress core files, themes, plugins, and media files, in case something goes wrong. This means that you can restore your website to its previous state in case of data loss or corruption.

Easy recovery

If your website is hacked or if you accidentally make changes that break your site, having a backup allows you to quickly and easily restore your website to a previous state.

Peace of mind

Knowing that you have a backup of your website can give you peace of mind, knowing that if something goes wrong, you can restore your website and get back to business as usual.

Site migration

If you’re planning to move your website to a new domain or hosting provider, having a backup makes it easy to migrate your site to the new location.


Depending on your industry, regulations may require you to keep backups of your website’s data. Having a backup ensures that you are meeting these requirements.


Backing up your website regularly is a cost-effective way to protect your data and avoid costly website restoration or reconstruction in case of data loss.

It is important to note that backup alone is not enough to protect your website. It is also important to have a security protocol in place, keep your software and plugin updated, and use a reliable hosting service.


In a nutshell, everything that we’ve discussed here should make it clear that backups are essential to the ongoing health of your website and keep your hosting costs low. If you’ve been putting off doing backups, we hope that this guide has helped change your mind since you now understand the importance of doing so. And if you have already been taking backups, then hopefully, this guide has helped you see new ways to improve your process. 

N. Baldwin
N. Baldwin
Articles: 122

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