4 Powerful plugins to boost your WordPress site in 2017

The speed and responsiveness of a website play a major role in its online success. Fast loading page of a website increase the page views, improve user experience and helps in SEO as well.  The improved user experience leads clients to stick on the web pages and that impact on the rate of generating revenues for the online business.  The speed of a website and conversions are inter-related, that means one has to make his website faster to win competitive advantage over their competitors.

There are two important reasons why the speed of a website is a very crucial part of an online business. First one is search rankings, and the other one is user experience.  In the process of making a website responsive, one cannot compromise with the optimized graphics and quality content. So here is the point, where WordPress Speed plugins are introduced. These plugins make your website responsive, increase their SEO rankings and enhances the user experience.  This write-up list outs top 4 WordPress Boosters which a user can choose for its WordPress website in 2017.

WP-Optimize – WordPress stores all the information as a default feature, such as posts, pages, and comments along with the trash data and information from various plugins.  To increase the speed, one should clean up the database regularly. WP-Optimize is a good option as it is great for beginner and intermediate users. It helps by de-cluttering the database which includes removing stale post revisions, trash items, spam comments, and removal of transit option.

W3 Total Cache– W3 Total Cache plugin is one of the most popular plugins which is high rated and recommended to optimize the WordPress website.  It makes the site and highly responsive, and its developers claim that the speed is boosted up to 10 times. The images, CSS and Javascript files of the website are stored in the server. Thus, every time a user lands to the website it doesn’t have to load from scratch. It saves many resources and just takes five minutes to setup.

WP Super Minify– The idea of minifying is that it combines Javascript, HTML and CSS files in order to compress them and reduces the loading time of the website. WP Super Minify gives the option to disable the compression of JS and CSS files. It is easy to use and extremely straightforward.

WP Smush.it – WP Smush.it is the feasible option for increasing the website speed.  It optimizes the images, removes unnecessary bytes from them, and makes them more responsive. This plugin makes the images lightweight along with separating JPEG from Metadata and strips unused colors from images, which leads to upload the images quickly.

If you are struggling with the speed of your WordPress website installing one of the plugins mentioned above will bring dramatic improvements to your web pages. It is necessary that you don’t install every plugin at one time, choose a one according to your requirement as less is more. It’s true that there are many ways of increasing the speed of your website but using these plugin is an excellent way to start.

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N. Baldwin
N. Baldwin
Articles: 120


  1. […] In conclusion, custom WP plugins are a powerful tool for enhancing the functionality and features of a WordPress website. By understanding the basic structure of a WordPress plugin and acquiring the necessary tools and skills, you can create custom WP plugins that meet the unique needs of your website. Planning and designing your plugin, testing and debugging it, and promoting and marketing it effectively are all important steps in the plugin development process. By following best practices and using the right tools, you can maintain and update your plugin to ensure its compatibility and functionality.If you’re interested in WordPress plugin development, you might find this article on “4 Powerful Plugins to Boost Your WordPress Site in 2017” helpful. It provides insights into some of the top plugins that can enhance the functionality and performance of your WordPress website. Check it out here. […]

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